Monday, October 14, 2019

Keep Your Buzz On

It is safe to say that people have been vibrating at their own frequency since the beginning of mankind. You could be vibrating at high levels or low levels. There are many factors to the level of your vibration. Short story, you don't want to be vibing on low levels, like attracts like. If you want great things, you have to think great things.

Today, I want to focus on one topic. What do you do when you find yourself around a low vibrating person often. It is easy to say, just cut this person off, you don't need that in your life but it's not always practical. What if that person is your husband, wife, child or even a coworker that you sit next to five days a week. Sometimes, you cannot simply remove a doomy person from your life. You have to learn how to keep rising, even in a situation that can lower a vibe.

It is extremely easy to get caught up in low vibrating shenanigans if you are not proactive. There are many steps that you can take to protect your good energy. You can rise above the vibe droppers if you are aware of yourself and your surroundings.

The most important person in your pursuit to high vibing is yourself. You have to take care of yourself. Eat fresh foods, preferably organic, keep your diet colorful and packed with nutrients. You are what you eat. Make sure you are getting adequate rest. Meditate as often as you can, even if it is only 10-15 minutes. The quiet time will allow you to get back in touch with your inner guide. Visualize a golden ball of light that surrounds you, covering your body and your aura. This golden ball of light, around you, can be your force field from the potentially negative vibe throwers out there. Smile until smiling just feels like what you've always done, your whole life.

If you find yourself in a situation with someone who is completely miserable and has nothing good to say; give the low viber a simple compliment. Compliments feel good and will help the vibrations rise and this will take the focal point off negativity. Keep your smile beams on high and avoid reacting or becoming overly involved in the negative chatter. you can change the subject and keep things fresh and simple. Take breaks from the association and have a little me time. Take a walk outside, if you can, the sunshine and the birds chirping will help you clear your mind of the bad energy. Take your shoes off and ground yourself with the earth. Visualize all of the bad energy flowing out from your body and into the ground where you stand.

Use affirmations daily or as often as needed, as Areminder, to keep yourself on the positivity train. Wake up with your favorite affirmation so you always know you're getting out of bed with a positive mindset. Wake up and tell yourself, I trust I am on the right path, I trust myself to make the right decisions. Say words of encouragement out loud and in front of a mirror if that helps you direct the affirmations better. Let yourself know that you trust yourself and you believe in what you are doing.

Visit a local metaphysical store and look for a worry stone. Howlite is a great choice, it is a very calming stone, that will help with anger and anxiety. Pick a smooth stone that you feel comfortable holding. Most worry stones are oval and approximately the size of a silver dollar but I encourage you to pick a stone that feels right to you. Hold the stone between your index finger and your thumb, you can rub the stone when you feel like you need that extra boost. Focus on pushing all of your bad energy or negative thoughts into the stone and far away from you. You can add this step to your meditations or you can do this periodically throughout the day.

However you choose to keep your vibe vibing, just keep in mind, it is all about your state of mind. Every situation is as good or as bad as you choose to view it. Stay focused, think clear but most importantly keep smiling.

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