Sunday, October 27, 2019

Keep Your Vision

If you are looking for clarity and a big boost in focus, you may want to consider creating a Vision Board. A Vision Board displays images, affirmations, pictures and words to help you manifest your desire or intention. It gives a visualization for what you want to do or be in life.

Prior to constructing your Vision Board, take a little time to meditate and focus on what you actually want. Light a candle and relax in the moment. Open yourself up to the universe and ask yourself what it is that you really want. The answer may come to you in words or pictures in your mind. Try to stay focused and capture your exact intention.

Once you have decided what you want to put into the universe and manifest into your life, you can begin the process. You can use any type of board that feels right to you. Decorate the board with affirmations, visual images and words; anything that feels meaningful. You can get wild and cut out magazine clippings, images or letters and words, you can print from the internet or draw everything yourself. The Vision Board can be complex or simple, you are the pilot on this mission. It is best to use your gut instinct and what feels right to you.

After you complete the Vision Board, make sure to place the board in an area you visit often. Look at your board daily and remind yourself to focus on your intention. Say the affirmations and know that your vision is out in the universe working its way to you. Keep a journal to help you record your thoughts and experience. This will help when it is time to create your next vision.

Sometimes, a busy or bad day can throw you off and cause your vibration to lower. Use your Vision Board as a bounce back board to keep your intentions flowing in a positive direction. Positive thinking keeps you vibrating on the same frequency as your desired outcome. It is all about matching frequencies and we need to vibe high.

Are your ready to put your vision into the universe and begin your new vibration? I hope the answer is yes!

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